Reliable Non-Emergency Patient Transportation
We offer a comprehensive range of patient transport services, transportation to and from outpatient appointments and treatments, discharges and medical procedures. Our services encompass the transfer of patients between medical facilities, visits to doctors and hospital check-ins, and rehabilitation centres, as well as non-emergency patient transport overseas. We also provide medical standby at events to ensure patient safety and well-being during gatherings.
Reliable Non-Emergency Patient Transportation
We offer a comprehensive range of patient transport services, transportation to and from outpatient appointments and treatments, discharges and medical procedures. Our services encompass the transfer of patients between medical facilities, visits to doctors and hospital check-ins, and rehabilitation centres, as well as non-emergency patient transport overseas. We also provide medical standby at events to ensure patient safety and well-being during gatherings.
Brezplačno ali samoplačniško?
Kdo in kdaj je upravičen do brezplačnega prevoza z reševalnim vozilom ?
Nenujni prevoz z reševalnim vozilom (ko ne gre za reševanje življenja) je skladno z veljavnimi predpisi možen, če gre za prevoz nepokretne zavarovane osebe oziroma v primerih, ko bi bil prevoz z javnim prevoznim sredstvom lahko škodljiv.
Potrebo po takšni obliki prevoza bo na podlagi ugotovljenega zdravstvenega stanja, ugotovil osebni zdravnik zavarovane osebe, ki je pristojen za izdajo predpisane listine »Nalog za prevoz«, na podlagi katere bo prevoznik opravil takšno obliko prevoza.